USA Bottled Water Directory

USA Bottled Water Directory

A comprehensive list of bottled water brands in the United States, their sources, and mineral composition

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This directory contains information about bottled water brands available in the United States. The list includes details about water sources, processing methods, and mineral composition. Use the search box above to filter the list.

Spring Collected from natural springs
Purified Treated municipal water
Mineral Contains natural minerals
Artesian From confined aquifers
Alkaline pH above 7.0
Sparkling Carbonated water
Brand Type Source Mineral Content pH Level Additional Notes
Purified Municipal water sources purified via reverse osmosis Very low mineral content, purified water with trace amounts of minerals added for taste 5.5-7.0 Uses a 7-step purification process including reverse osmosis and carbon filtration
Purified Municipal water sources Added magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, and salt 5.6-7.0 Uses reverse osmosis filtration with mineral additives for taste
Nestlé Pure Life
Purified Municipal and well water sources Added calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium sulfate 6.5-7.5 Undergoes reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, and UV light treatment
Coca-Cola (Glacéau)
Purified Municipal water sources Added electrolytes (calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate) 7.0 Vapor-distilled water with electrolytes added for taste
Poland Spring
Spring Natural springs in Maine Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium 6.8-7.3 100% natural spring water sourced from multiple springs throughout Maine
Deer Park
Spring Natural springs in the Appalachian Mountains Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium 7.0-7.4 Sourced from protected springs in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and other Mid-Atlantic states
Spring Natural springs in Texas Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates 6.8-7.3 Popular in the South Central United States, sourced from multiple springs in Texas
Ice Mountain
Spring Natural springs in Michigan Natural minerals including calcium and magnesium 7.0-7.5 Sourced from springs in Michigan, popular in the Midwest
Spring Natural springs in California and Western states Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates 6.9-7.2 Popular in the Western United States, sourced from multiple springs
Spring Natural springs in Florida Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium 7.2-7.5 Named after the city of Zephyrhills, Florida, where it was first bottled
Crystal Geyser
CG Roxane
Spring Natural springs across the United States Natural minerals including calcium and magnesium 7.0-7.5 Sources include springs in California, Texas, and other U.S. locations
Mountain Valley Spring Water
Mountain Valley Spring Company
Spring Natural springs in Hot Springs, Arkansas Rich in calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate 7.3-7.8 One of America’s oldest bottled waters, dating back to 1871
FIJI Water
The Wonderful Company
Artesian Artesian aquifer in Viti Levu, Fiji Natural silica, magnesium, calcium, and bicarbonates 7.7 Filtered through volcanic rock resulting in its unique mineral profile
VOSS Water
Artesian Artesian well in Vatnestrøm, Norway Low mineral content (TDS: 22mg/L) 6.0 Known for its distinctive cylindrical bottle design
Alkaline Municipal water sources Purified water with added electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium) 9.5+ Ionized alkaline water created through a proprietary process
CORE Hydration
Keurig Dr Pepper
Alkaline Municipal water sources Purified water with electrolytes (calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate) 7.4 Ultra-purified with a 7-stage filtration process and electrolyte enhancement
The Alkaline Water Company
Alkaline Municipal water sources Purified water enhanced with Himalayan pink salt and electrolytes 8.8 Uses a proprietary electrolysis process to increase pH
Mineral Natural springs in the French Alps Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonates 7.2 Naturally filtered through glacial rocks for over 15 years
Sparkling Spring in Vergèze, France Natural calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, and sulfates 5.5 Naturally carbonated spring water with additional carbonation added
San Pellegrino
Sparkling Springs in San Pellegrino Terme, Italy Rich in calcium, magnesium, sulfate, and bicarbonate 5.6 Naturally mineralized from its journey through limestone and volcanic rocks
National Beverage
Sparkling Municipal water sources Purified water with natural flavors 5.2-5.8 Contains no sweeteners, sodium, or artificial ingredients
Topo Chico
Sparkling Springs in Monterrey, Mexico Natural minerals including sodium, magnesium, and calcium 5.5-6.0 Sourced from the same spring since 1895
Coca-Cola (Glacéau)
Enhanced Municipal water sources Purified water with added vitamins, minerals, and flavors 3.0-5.0 Variety of flavors with different vitamin and mineral blends
Flow Water
Flow Hydration
Spring Artesian springs in Ontario, Canada and Virginia, USA Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium 8.1 Naturally alkaline water packaged in eco-friendly Tetra Pak cartons
JUST Water
JUST Goods, Inc.
Spring Spring in Glens Falls, New York Natural minerals in moderate amounts 8.0 Uses plant-based packaging made primarily from paper and plant plastic
Liquid Death
Liquid Death Mountain Water
Spring Springs in the Austrian Alps Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates 7.4 Packaged in recyclable aluminum cans with distinctive marketing
Eternal Water
Eternal Beverages
Alkaline Natural springs in Tennessee, California, and New York Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and silica 7.8-8.2 Naturally alkaline spring water with high silica content
Waiakea Springs
Spring Snowmelt and rain filtered through Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii Natural minerals including silica, magnesium, and calcium 7.6-8.2 Naturally filtered through thousands of feet of volcanic rock
Icelandic Glacial
Icelandic Water Holdings
Spring Ölfus Spring in Iceland Low mineral content, naturally high in oxygen 8.4 Sourced from a spring fed by rainfall and snowmelt filtered through lava rock
Niagara Bottling
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.0-7.0 One of the largest private-label bottled water suppliers in the U.S.
Boxed Water
Boxed Water Is Better LLC
Purified Municipal water sources Triple-filtered purified water 6.5-7.5 Packaged in 92% renewable paper cartons
Kirkland Signature
Costco Wholesale
Purified Municipal water sources (bottled by Niagara) Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.0-7.0 Available in both spring and purified varieties
Great Value
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.0-7.5 Available in various container sizes, often bottled by regional suppliers
Member’s Mark
Sam’s Club
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.5 Available in both purified and spring varieties
365 Spring Water
Whole Foods Market
Spring Protected springs in the United States Natural minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium 7.0-7.5 Available in both spring and purified varieties
Market Pantry
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Target’s store brand bottled water
Signature Select
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Albertsons/Safeway store brand bottled water
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Walgreens store brand bottled water
CVS Health
CVS Pharmacy
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 CVS Pharmacy store brand bottled water
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with added minerals 6.5-7.5 Available in both spring and purified varieties
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Available in various package sizes
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Popular in Texas and Mexico
Ahold Delhaize
Purified Municipal water sources Purified water with minimal mineral content 6.5-7.0 Available under various Ahold Delhaize store brands
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Information is for educational purposes only and subject to change.